Catching the Coosa: Fishing Logan Martin and Neely Henry

by Zeke Gossett
Photos submitted

Logan Martin

The months of March and April can be the most fun months of the year on Logan Martin. Fish are on the move, staging and getting ready to spawn or they are already spawning.

Fishing staging areas for bass on Logan Martin this time of year are the keys to success. These areas include points leading into spawning flats, shallow brush and docks. These are all great places to start your search.

I keep my approach simple when targeting these areas. My main three baits are a jig, a jerk bait and bladed jig. If the water is still on the cooler (50 to 60 degrees) side, I will target points with a jerk bait and a bladed jig. These two baits allow me to cover water until I find some active fish.

Once I feel like I’m around some active fish, I will usually reach for the jig in order to pick up a couple more bites I might have missed with the other two baits.

If the water is on the warmer side (60 to 70 degrees), I will start fishing into pockets with shallow docks and brush with the jig.

Most of the time these fish are getting ready to go on the bed and are feeding up. Fishing the conditions are important for these two months.

If you are not getting bites, keep moving!

Neely Henry 

My approach to Neely Henry will differ a little from Logan Martin this time of year. My main three baits will stay the same, but I will add a swim jig to the mix during March and April.

I will still target points leading into pockets and fishing docks. I fish these docks with the bladed jig and jig. When targeting points, I will fish these with a jerk bait.

Where I bring the swim into play is in the grass that lines the banks of Neely Henry. The grass usually starts growing again around the end of March.

If the water is on a warming trend (60 to 70 degrees), I will fish the grass, targeting those fish getting ready to spawn with a swim jig.

Again, fish the conditions, and you will have success on Neely Henry during these two months.

Editor’s Note: Zeke Gossett of Zeke Gossett Fishing grew up on the Coosa River and Logan Martin Lake. He is a former collegiate champion and is now a professional angler on the B.A.S.S. tour circuit and is a fishing guide.Learn more about Zeke at:

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