Catchin’ the Coosa Spring 2022

By Zeke Gossett

Logan Martin 

The months of May and June on Logan Martin can sometimes leave fish in a post-spawn funk, but maybe these tips can help you catch a few more bass during this time frame.

Zeke hauls in another big one

In early May, you can find shad spawns early in the morning. You’re going to find shad spawning around docks and seawalls. You will know when you see one because shad will be running up and down dock posts and seawalls.

Watch for bass schooling and eating these baitfish. My favorite baits for a shad spawn are a spinnerbait and topwater walking bait.

Once the sun gets up, the shad spawning action will end, and fishing usually tends to slow down. I will still fish shallow docks with either a jig or wacky rigged stick bait.

Once we get into the month of June, I will start my search out deep. Fish will tend to school up offshore on long points and river ledges.

My main two baits out deep are a deep diving crankbait and swimbait. Having good current flow is key for this bite as well. This helps the fish group up and feed.

If you can find an active school, you can load the boat quickly. 

Neely Henry 

Neely Henry in May and June are some of the best times to fish this lake.

I keep it super simple when it comes to fishing Neely Henry these two months. In early May, you can still find a shad spawn on seawalls and grass.

A white swim jig is a deadly bait around these areas where shad are spawning. The swim jig allows you to cover a lot of water fast in order to find active fish.

Once the sun goes up, I tend to stay shallow at Neely Henry in both months. I will target grass and docks on the mid to lower end of the lake with a finesse jig and chatterbait. I keep these two baits locked into my hand until I find the active fish that are feeding.

A lot of fish will live shallow on this lake year round. It might be a grind-up shallow, but that is where you’re going to find your bigger bites.

Editor’s Note:

Zeke Gossett of Zeke Gossett Fishing grew up on the Coosa River and Logan Martin Lake. He is a former collegiate championand is now a professional angler on the B.A.S.S. tour circuit and is a fishing guide.

Learn more about Zeke at:

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