Logan Martin does Halloween right!

If you had to describe Boo Bash 2024 is a single word, it would have to be creativity. From giant rubber ducks to a pontoon disguised as a 50s baby blue Chevy on its way to the Boo Hop to a floating carnival, creative was the dress of the day. And that was just the boats.
Add docks and boathouses dressed to the hilt in spiders, ghosts, a scene from the Wizard of Oz, witches, mechanical pirates and skeletons and even a groovy 70s backdrop, and the day just seemed to ooze creativity.
But wait, there’s more! How about Minnie Mouse, witches of all shapes and sizes, a dog in a tutu, pirates galore and a kid cop keeping guard over a boat cell of prisoners, complete with prison bars, orange jumpsuits, mugshots and tatoos?

It all adds up to a huge success for the 2024 edition of Boo Bash, brought to you by Logan Martin Lake Protection Association, Tiki Hut and a host of volunteers and Boo Bashers extraordinaire.
By the numbers, Boo Bashers numbered more than 1,506 children and adults and 42 pets with 85 docks participating.Three major land stops – Lakeside Park, Riverside Beautification Organization and Tiki Hut drawing crowds and sparking even more fun. Trick or treaters of the kid kind were treated to thousands of bags of candy and surprises, and the adults? Well, let’s just say host stops provided grownups with special liquid treats of their own.
Funds raised from Boo Bash will go to LMLPA’s lighted buoy project.
It was a fun and innovative way to bring our lake community together for a day of fun for a good cause. Our hats are off to Sonya Hubbard and Kelli Lasseter, who had an idea a couple of years ago that trick or treating dock to dock might just grow into something big.
Pretty creative, huh?