As I write this, we are getting ready for Boo Bash on Logan Martin. Our eye patches and pirate hats are ready, and our miniature pirates dressed head to toe – my great niece and nephew, 7-year-old twins Sophia and Charlie – are ready to set sail for trick-or-treating on the lake.
Now in its second year, Boo Bash has catapulted into a lake community event of epic size and scope, and I can’t tell who’s more excited – the adults or the kids. Up and down the lake, ghosts and goblins have begun to appear as host piers ready for the big day. So have skeletons, pumpkins and even movie scenes running the gamut from Wizard of Oz to Top Gun.
Last year, it was simply a good idea to bring lake neighbors together for an afternoon of fun. This year, it has a full scale, life of its own. Over 100 piers and hosts, 150+ boats and more than 1,000 trick or treaters are no doubt destined to meet, greet and have a boat load of fun!

It’s called community, and that’s what this day is all about. Water is the common bond. Events like these only make it stronger.
Hats off to Kelli Lasseter, Sonya Hubbard, Carl Wallace, Kari Harris and a host of volunteers who make it happen. Arrrgh, mateys! We’re ready for a BOO-tiful, SPOOK-tacular afternoon on the lake, filled with fun for the whole family – courtesy of our community.
While we have plenty of photos from the event itself we are sharing in this edition, there’s plenty more from our Neely Henry and Logan Martin communities in this issue.
We’ll travel down the Coosa with Gilbert’s Ferry and others, learning more about our waterway’s modes of transportation in years past.
High above Logan Martin, we’ll get a drone’s eye view of the lake from photographers who have captured everything from stunning sunsets to breathtaking lake scenery to the eye of a gathering storm.
Step behind the cameras of a documentary filmed in part at Pell City Lakeside Park. Check out the story behind this award-winning documentary filmmaker and his latest subject, cardboard boat races.
We will take you inside the kitchen and out back at Freddie Nelson’s Logan Martin refuge. It’s a cooking story you’ll savor for a long time to come.
And there’s even more in this edition of LakeLife 24/7 Magazine®. Turn the page and discover it all with us!
Carol Pappas
Editor and Publisher