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Coming together for each other

People around these parts tend to think of the lake as one big family, sharing a common bond. But on Dec. 30, that bond strengthened well beyond their love of water. As a tornado ripped through Coosa Island and other parts of the southern tip of Logan Martin, neighbors rushed out of their homes into the awaiting needs left in the storm’s wake. Because it is a peninsula, downed trees, damaged roofs and homes blocked the roads and trapped the community until help could arrive. An army of neighbors, friends and first responders appeared within moments, chainsaws whirring and tarps
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Happy New Year on the lakes!

With the dawning of a new year comes plenty of wishes and resolutions along with it. Topping the wish list around these parts are new boats and water toys while resolutions tend to involve to do lists for seawalls, docks and shoreline upgrades. That’s why in January of each year, we bring you our special Boat Show Edition. It’s chock full of what’s hot for 2025 from dealers throughout the region in the way of boats, personal watercrafts, gadgets, accessories and more. But that’s not all. We bring you the latest trends in docks and seawalls, giving you a more
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Pictures, words make storytelling special

If the oft quoted cliché is on target – A picture is worth a thousand words – even a wordsmith like me would have to admit this issue is overflowing. From the Great Alabama 650, America’s longest paddle race, to the jammin’ good time of Lakeside Live to the crowd favorite, Boo Bash, we minced our words so we could better tell their stories through photographs. The pages of the magazine are filled to the brim with compelling photographs that capture the feeling of being there, even if you didn’t make it. If you did, you’ll enjoy reliving the moments
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Remembering ‘Our Toni’

As we put this magazine to bed, it was with a heavy heart shared by us all at Partners by Design, LakeLife 24/7 Magazine and Discover St. Clair Magazine. Our beloved graphic arts director, Toni Franklin, passed away on Aug. 13. Toni was instrumental throughout the history of this magazine, helping guide its success every step of the way. From advertising design to logo creation to the early layout of the magazine, Toni did it all. But that’s the way she was. Whatever it took to get the job done, you would find her at the heart of it. For
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Discover the treasures around us

It’s always amazing to me to see the many treasures all around us –  if we just look. Some we take for granted. Others we simply overlook. As I reviewed the story list for this month’s issue one last time before going into production, I couldn’t help but notice that treasures come in all kinds of forms. We just have to take the time to see them. Such is the case with our cover. For days, I watched my neighbor, Joe, install, paint and perfect a giant slide on his pier for 8-year-old son, J.J. The ‘christening’ came with an
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Water’s up! What now?

This time of year, I have this inner urging to yell, “Surf’s Up!” It seems appropriate. The water’s up on Logan Martin and Neely Henry, and both lakes are abuzz with activities. After months of colder weather forcing us inside, it’s almost as if the water beckons us to break the shackles of long-held captivity. The 2024 lake season is no different. Outdoor festivals are happening. Fishing is on the upswing. Boating is definitely the desired mode of transportation. And T-shirts, shorts and flip-flops seem to be required dress code. Lake lovers count down to these days as if we
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Anticipation of lake season

The calendar countdown for 2024 has long since begun. It starts with an occasional hint of a rise in temperatures in January, a few more in February and a more than welcome uptick in March and early April.  I call it the “Spring Tease,” when those weather ‘hints’ trigger a surge of memories of lake seasons gone by. It can’t help but spark a smile — remembering the boat rides, your first fish, then life’ boatload of fish stories. The memories of stunning summer sunsets, a grill with a view and the gatherings of friends and family – plenty of
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New beginnings all across the lakes

I love happy endings. New beginnings are even better. That’s the way I felt just before Christmas as I left the inaugural Pell City Rotary Jingle Bell 5K Run and 1-Mile Fun Run/Walk at Lakeside Park. Rotarians had just closed the chapter on the first ever run, and yes, it was quite the happy ending – more than $50,000 raised to build a new home at the St. Clair Sheriff’s Boys Ranch. But more than that, it was well on its way to beginning a new Christmas tradition around these parts – Rotary raising money for a good cause and
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BOOsters, eyes in the sky and more

As I write this, we are getting ready for Boo Bash on Logan Martin. Our eye patches and pirate hats are ready, and our miniature pirates dressed head to toe – my great niece and nephew, 7-year-old twins Sophia and Charlie – are ready to set sail for trick-or-treating on the lake. Now in its second year, Boo Bash has catapulted into a lake community event of epic size and scope, and I can’t tell who’s more excited – the adults or the kids. Up and down the lake, ghosts and goblins have begun to appear as host piers ready
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No slowdowns around lakes this fall

As summer melts into fall, and the leaves approach their seasonal change in color, you might think things on and around our lakes would slow down a bit. Not so! The number and the diversity of them all continues to amaze us. On Logan Martin, check out the God is Bigger fishing tournament Sept. 23, one of the biggest catches in tournaments around. The story behind it is nothing short of inspiring – how three words have impacted the lives of so many all around the world. Get your disco moves ready Labor Day Weekend when CEPA presents Black Jacket
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Paradise found by the water

This time of year, I think a lot about my dad. He loved coming to our lake place and this time of year, you’d find him parked squarely on a chair on the pier, fishing for bream and crappie and whatever else might come his way. I used to joke that the fish had to be fast to keep up with his hook. He was a bit on the impatient side. But he was patient enough to teach me how to put a worm or a minnow on a hook, despite my reluctant squeals. And he taught me how to
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Welcoming Spring to our lakes

I have always viewed Spring as the season of new beginnings, a rebirth after cold winter weather sends me scurrying indoors for what seems an eternity. For the past month, we have had a front row seat to the annual reawakening – a colorful palette of green hues as a stunning backdrop to a vibrant mosaic of blooms all around us. Spring is one of my favorite times of year on the lake. Like Christmas, it’s all wrapped up in the anticipation of good times ahead and memories to be made. Activities build toward a growing crescendo of boats darting
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A shout out to all the ‘lakelifers’

I’m a ‘lifer,’ too! One of my favorite things to do on Saturday mornings is grabbing a cup of coffee and reading Carl Wallace’s Lake Ramblings on Facebook. Back when we launched our magazine in May 2021, we did a story on him, rightly dubbing him Logan Martin’s Aristotle. (Logan Martin’s Aristotle – LakeLife 24/7 Magazine ( After all, he’s part philosopher, part ponderer, part storyteller and all around good guy who helps bring our lake community together. It seemed only fitting that we would launch our new publication, LakeLife 24/7®, with a story on Carl because what he capsulizes
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New boats, history and adventure

It was just last season when our long-awaited, brand spanking new tritoon boat arrived. There was no band playing or crowd there to herald it, but make no mistake, it was quite the celebration. It had been 20 years since we bought a new boat. And I have to say ole Betsy served us well through two decades of lake seasons. But this season was a special one indeed. We’re no different than hundreds of people up and down Logan Martin and Neely Henry each year who celebrate just like we did as we welcomed our band new addition to
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Lake living is picture perfect

When I got ready to write this column, I couldn’t resist the allure of an ideal October day on the lake – or at least in view of it. So, I gathered up my notes, tucked my laptop under my arm, headed out to my porch and pulled up an Adirondack chair. “Ahh, the lake is my muse,” I told myself. And you know what? I was right. I cannot begin to count the number of stories and columns inspired over the years from this very spot. The distinctive sound of the leaves rustling, set in motion by a gentle
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‘New’ news happening all around

Spring is usually reserved for the time of year when talk turns to rebirth and new beginnings, but around these parts, something new is usually on the horizon all year long. Such is the case with just about every story in LakeLife 24/7 Magazine® this time around. You might liken it to a renaissance for two of them – Pirate’s Island and Kids Kastle – longtime Logan Martin landmarks emerging from makeovers. Pirate’s Island, the tiny patch of land surrounded by water with palm trees swaying in the breeze, pirate’s flag flying high above and a chest stocked full for
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Bulls, sailing, catfish and sports galore all a part of life on the lake

Memorial Day, traditionally signaling the beginning of lake season on Logan Martin and Neely Henry, has passed, and we’re already headed to 4th of July and beyond. And with the season comes scores of activities on and around our lakes – everything from bull riding to fireworks to weeknight sailing races just for fun. Bulls on the Lake, you ask? Why yes, that’s precisely the name of this event that raises funds for Future Farmers of America, a program at Pell City High School designed to engage students in agricultural-related careers. This show of bucking bulls and rodeo is held
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The Lake Season has begun

It’s finally here – the long-awaited arrival of spring on the lake. While any day on the lake is a day well spent, there’s something about the days of early spring, when winter’s hues of grays and browns give way to a palette of greens and a mosaic of vibrant colors forming a stunning backdrop to the water. It’s picture perfect. The water’s up. The boats are out. Hooks and bobbers are in. And the evidence of pure enjoyment can be spotted – and heard – all around. It’s that reawakening of activities on and around our lakes and river
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Great expectations of lake season

If you’re a ‘LakeLifer’ like me, this time of year holds great expectations — anticipation of good things to come. It’s almost spring, but not quite. Warm days are more frequent, but not quite enough. Nevertheless, you feel good times await just around the bend. And you’d be right. On Logan Martin, it means the water’s about to rise toward its seasonal high, which generally translates into getting outside, hopping on the boat and heading no place in particular, just knowing that pure enjoyment is involved. This year on Logan Martin, expectations are even greater. The water will not fluctuate
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Coming down with a bad case of new boat fever

I really did try to run and hide from it. I even tried convincing myself there were more important things to be done on life’s priority list. But just like an infectious disease, it caught up with me and never loosened its mighty grip. That’s what new boat fever does to a person. It’s like new car fever, only better – and a lot more fun. Of course, I had to wait awhile, long after the fever took hold. It seems the object of my affection got stuck in the supply chain shortage, like just about everything else, and it
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Fall, holidays and the water

Fall, holidays and the water The lake is a special place any time of year, but Fall seems to bring out an unrivaled quality. Autumn’s pallet of vibrant reds and golds underneath a brilliant, blue sky all seem to sparkle in the water’s reflection like precious gems meant to be treasured. It’s the perfect prelude for the holidays ahead, a hint of special times to come. It’s like the sunset. The scene is never the same twice. And you never tire of catching a glimpse just before it mingles with the horizon to signal the end of another day in
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Discovering the treasures of the water

When I first saw the photograph of Tori Fricks, not quite age 2, peering out of the famed treasure chest on Logan Martin’s Pirate Island, I knew instantly it had to be our cover shot for the magazine. It was like – pardon the pun – discovering treasure. Only problem was, what story would go with it? In an instant, I knew that answer, too. Unlike Gilligan and crew who got lost on a three-hour cruise, we decided to take you on a well-guided tour of the islands of Logan Martin and Neely Henry. And we promise not to get
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First voyage a success because of you

Carol Pappas, editor and publisher When we launched the maiden voyage of LakeLife 24/7® Magazine, it was as if we were one of thousands up and down the shorelines of Logan Martin and Neely Henry greeted by a sign or a flag with those ever-familiar words: Welcome to Our Lake House. After all, that’s what we do. We visit your homes, your businesses, your favorite spots. We step inside your kitchens to see what’s cooking or step back in time and ask you to ‘remember when.’ And we bring a host of readers – thousands of them – along with
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LakeLife 24/7

A lifelong state of mind Carol Pappas, editor and publisher I remember the first time I held a fishing pole in my hands. My daddy had loaded us up in our old 1957 Chevrolet, and we headed to nearby Lake Purdy on the outskirts of Birmingham. We all sat along the bank, Daddy baited our hooks with wiggly little worms and patiently taught us how to cast. I remember how it felt to grip a cane pole tightly in my tiny little fingers and gently toss the line – hook, worm and bobber a few feet from my bankside perch.
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