Sunset Sips

Story by Cherith Fluker
Submitted Photos

Imagine standing on an historic 100-year-old bridge, the sun setting over the Coosa River, a glass of wine in hand and the hum of jazz music floating through the air. This is the scene at Gadsden’s Sunset Sips on the Memorial Bridge.

Scheduled for Oct.15 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Downtown Gadsden Inc. hosts this intimate, laid-back event that has become a beloved tradition in the community.

DGI Director and event organizer, Kay Moore, says Sunset Sips began in 2012, inspired by the vision of creating a unique, community-centered gathering where attendees could savor wine and beer while enjoying one of Gadsden’s most picturesque spots. Held annually on the third Tuesday of October, this year’s event will mark the 12th edition, with the only break being in 2020.

“The event was originally a catered affair”, says Moore. “Sunset Sips now features light snacks, encouraging attendees to explore and dine at downtown restaurants after the event.”

Tickets for Sunset Sips are limited to just 300 to maintain an intimate atmosphere. They go on sale around Sept. 15 and may be purchased online at or at the Downtown Gadsden Inc. office.

Additionally, you can find tickets at local favorites like The Stone Market wine shop and King’s Olive Oil. Priced at $50, each ticket includes multiple wine tastings from The Stone Market, beer from Back Forty Beer Company, and a selection of heavy hors d’oeuvres. The event is exclusively for those 21 and older.

Moore says what sets Sunset Sips apart from other community events is its serene and welcoming vibe. Unlike larger, more boisterous gatherings, Sunset Sips offers a rare chance to stroll and socialize on a historic bridge, enjoying breathtaking views that are usually reserved for passing vehicles. As one of the first events to close the bridge for an event, it has become a highly anticipated highlight of the local calendar.

Sunset Sips is more than just an evening of enjoyment; it’s a fundraiser that reinvests in downtown Gadsden. Over the years, proceeds have funded new banners, a speaker system for Broad Street, and other enhancements that beautify the Downtown Gadsden area. Local restaurants show their appreciation by offering discounts to ticket holders who choose to have dinner downtown after the event. The impact of Sunset Sips goes beyond the immediate experience. Local businesses benefit from increased foot traffic and sales, and community members come together to support and celebrate their town.

The perfect time of the year at the perfect place to enjoy company and the view

Sunset Sips on Memorial Bridge is a standout event in the Gadsden community, thanks to the incredible support from local businesses, Moore said. “Lucy Edwards, investment manager at Morgan Stanley, reached out to me to ask about sponsoring the event.” Sponsors like Morgan Stanley play a crucial role in helping cover expenses so more of the funds raised can be directed back into downtown improvements. Several local businesses also contribute various items that are raffled off during the event. To ensure the safety of attendees, police officers are situated at both ends of the bridge throughout the event.

From the stunning sunset views to the friendly camaraderie, Sunset Sips leaves a lasting impression on attendees. “We aim to keep the event small and special to retain its unique charm,” Moore said. “That’s what keeps past participants returning year after year to relive the magic.”

Whether you’re a long-time Gadsden resident or a visitor looking for a memorable evening, Sunset Sips on the Memorial Bridge offers a one-of-a-kind experience.

Tickets are on sale Sept. 15 through Oct. 14. All tickets must be purchased before the day of the event. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit

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